Unveiling Our New Logo: Tradition Meets Innovation

Let me take you on a little journey back to where it all began for me—Belarus. This small yet vibrant country, nestled in the heart of Europe, holds a rich tapestry of history and culture that has profoundly shaped who I am today.

Belarus has a history that is both proud and poignant. Minsk, our capital, was founded in 1067, making it a city rich with stories and heritage. Polotsk, even older, was established in 862 and stands as a testament to our enduring presence in European history.

Outlined map of Europe with Belarus highlighted
Belarus is showcased on the map of Europe.

After seven incredible years, I felt it was time for our brand to reconnect with these roots. What better way to symbolise this journey than with a new logo?

Our redesigned logo isn’t just a visual change; it’s a heartfelt tribute to my homeland. You see, Belarusian culture is steeped in symbolism, and I wanted our logo to reflect that. The new design incorporates traditional ornaments that are more than just decorative—they carry deep meanings.

UX Design Lab logo

Let me break it down for you:

Light, Flames, and Fire: These elements symbolise passion, inspiration, and the spark of creativity. They remind me of the countless bonfires and celebrations that light up Belarusian nights, bringing communities together.

Path, Journey: This represents our continuous journey in the world of experience design. It’s a nod to every step we take, every lesson we learn, and every milestone we celebrate.

Hard Work: In Belarus, we have a saying, “Рыбак дажджу не баіцца” (A fisherman is not afraid of the rain). This philosophy is woven into the fabric of our culture and now, into our logo. It stands for dedication, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Prosperity: Lastly, this symbolizes the fruits of our labour—the growth, success, and positive impact we strive to achieve for our clients and community.

Each of these symbols subtly forms the letters U, X, and D—standing for User, eXperience, and Design. It’s a hidden message, much like the hidden gems of Belarus that often go unnoticed by the world.

Then there are the colours.

We chose hues close to the historical Belarusian flag—white and red. White stands for purity and peace, while red signifies strength and courage. Together, they represent the spirit of Belarus—a spirit that I carry with me in every project and endeavour.

Logo: Old vs New

Drag the handle in the middle of the image to interactively compare our old and new logos, and see the evolution of our brand identity.

Left ImageRight Image

This logo is a small homage to that story—a way for me to bring a piece of Belarus into the future of user experience design.

So, here’s to new beginnings, grounded in rich traditions. Our new logo is more than just a design; it’s a bridge connecting our past with our future, a symbol of our journey and the values that drive us. I’m excited to share this with you and to continue this journey together.

And as always, we remain committed to providing exceptional service, ensuring that every project reflects our dedication to excellence and our passion for user experience design.

Thank you for being a part of our story.

Pavel Bukengolts

Award-winning UX design leader crafting user-centric products through design thinking, data-driven approaches, and emerging technologies. Passionate about thought leadership and mentoring the next generation of UX professionals.